
Dudley to Utilize Ford Grant for Scholarship

Will Provide $750 For Foreign Study

A $750 scholarship for foreign study will be available this summer to a member of Dudley House, Charles P. Whitlock, Allston Burr Senior Tutor, announced yesterday.

A $1400 grant given by the Ford Foundation last fall for the purpose of adding to the "educational impact of the House" will provide the money for the award.

Whitlock indicated that the "chief functions of the scholarship are to provide a worthy student with an opportunity for foreign study who otherwise would not have the chance, and to strengthen the tutorial set-up within the House." A committee composed entirely of Dudley tutors will select the winner of the stipend.

Science Majors Not Excluded

As the tutors will already be acquainted with the applicants through tutorial, Whitlock felt that the scholarship probably would serve as a "form of reward for those people who are involved in that program." But science majors not involved in tutorial will not be excluded.


Although the grant will not be restricted, Whitlock stated that the student's plan of study will require the approval of the committee. Harvey Glickman, tutor in Government at Dudley, suggested that the student could work on his thesis while abroad.

The committee of tutors primarily will consider students who are entering their senior year. Preliminary screening of candidates is under way, and formal interviews will begin next week. The committee will announce its choice on April 20.

Besides accepting applications from interested students, the tutors are actively "looking over the men in Dudley," Whitlock said. According to a newsletter sent to House members, one of the purposes of the award is "to recognize achievement of character and intellect by a member of Dudley, both in the College and House community."

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