

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

In your March 9th news article dealing with the nomination of Col. Laurence E. Bunker '26 for a position on the Board of Overseers, I believe I detect a slight bias. It appears to me that you have chosen to emphasize a few seemingly unsavory elements in Bunker's record and have tried your best to neglect mentioning the many achievements which are to his credit. You seem to dwell upon the connection of Col. Bunker with "so-called right-wing causes" and, particularly, with the suggestion that his nomination is an expression of alumni dissatisfaction with the appointment of the James Lecturer, Oppenheimer. I could not avoid the conclusion that the CRIMSON was, in this instance, trying to effect an early disenchantment with candidate Bunker. Perhaps I am mistaken. It may be that your reporter failed to look into the impressive record of the Colonel. For, had he done so, I am certain that the article would have been more favorably written.

This record, which of itself must be of greater relevance to the Board's election than those things with which you were concerned, includes Bunker's graduation from Harvard Magna Cum Laude; his election to Phi Beta Kappa; his attending Trinity College, Cambridge, on a Rhodes Scholarship; and the many military honors bestowed upon him both before and after his service as Aide-de-Camp to General MacArthur, including the Distinguished Service Medal and the Legion of Merit. These things, plus the fact that he has attained great success and recognition as a lawyer, as a businessman, as a military leader, as a public servant and as a scholar, eminently qualify Col. Laurence E. Bunker for the honor which his classmates and fellow alumni have bestowed upon him. Kenneth E. Thompson '57.


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