
Hockey Team Meets B.C. Tonight After Several Changes in Lineup

Second Hockey Test

Tonight's hockey game at the Boston Arena should provide a fair indication as to what kind of a season the Crimson six is going to have. If the varsity plays the kind of hockey it is capable of playing and destroys B.C., then the prospects are bright. If tonight's encounter turns out to be a repeat performance of last Saturday's loss to B.U., then it will be a long winter.

Varsity Coach Cooney Weiland has done some shuffling in his lineup for tonight's game in an effort to get more scoring punch. Ed Owen, who started out his hockey career here as a forward and was then shifted to defense has been moved back up to the second line. Bob McVey will stay as center of this line while Bruce Gillie will take Dick Fischer's place at wing.

In Weiland's master plan, Dave Vietze moves back to defense along with Dan Ullyot. The first line will remain as it is with Captain Bob Cleary at center, and Paul Kelley and Lyle Guttu at the wings. What Weiland is looking for here is more speed along with the added scoring "punch" and the second line with Owen, McVey, and Gillie should provide both. What Gillie lacks in size, he more than makes up for in hustle and quick reflexes around the cage. His alert play against B.U. was one of the few bright spots for the Crimson in what was otherwise a very drab evening. Vietze should be effective at defense since he has always been one of the hardest checking linemen on the team. He has a good enough shot to be a scoring threat from the blue line.

14 Eagle Sophomores

The Eagles are predominantly a young team with no less than 14 sophomores on their roster. One of the few seniors on the team is Al Pitts, B.C.'s goalie, who is one of the best in this area. Tom Cadiganand Miles Cassady make a strong pair of starting defensemen while Dick Kane, Ned Bunyan, and Bill Cusack should make up the Terriers' first line.


B.C. has not had a particularly good start to its season. They have been beaten and tied once by Brown, a team that does not figure to be too much of a power in the Ivy League.

Tab Cleary will again open in the nets for the Crimson and with one varsity start under his belt, he should be more effective. Yale and B.U. will make up the other half of tonight's program. They will face off at 7 p.m. at the Arena. The varsity's game is scheduled for 8:30. The Crimson JV's also have a game today with the B.U. freshmen on the Boston Skating Club ice at 5:45

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