
Ike Club Charges Charter Hindrance

The Eisenhower Club charged last night that the HYRC has been preventing it from acquiring a charter from the Massachusetts State Republican Organization. A report by Eliot Bernat '60, claimed that Norman W. Smith '58, president of the HYRC, said that he could not permit passage of the charter because he feared that too many other clubs would try the same thing.

This charter is necessary if the club is to use the name "Republican" in its title. As of this time, the Eisenhower Club application has passed all of the necessary requirements for approval except a vote by the State Committee. Charles Gibbons, Committee Chairman, has not brought the matter up before a meeting. According to Bernat, Gibbons has been influenced by members of the HYRC.

According to another of the members, Guy Quinlan '60, Smith promised him that he would not oppose the charter if the club supported him for election last spring. Quinlan also said that Smith reconfirmed the pledge to Morton Korn '57, the Eisenhower Club's president for 1956-57.

Instead of a charter, Smith counter-proposed a merger between the two clubs. This plan was defeated.
