
Conant Tells Cambridge Audience Nazi Movement Dead in Germany

"Nazism is dead and buried," according to President emeritus James B. Conant, former U.S. Ambassador to Germany. Conant spoke on "Germany and the Future of Europe," at the annual dinner of the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce last night at the Hotel Continental.

If a new radical movement arises, which Conant thinks unlikely if Germany's economy remains stable, it will not be connected with Nazism. He noted that United States support of NATO and a stable world economy will also diminish the chance of the appearance of such a movement.

Deutschesmark "Too Solid"

Germany is not in a political or economic state conducive to upsetting developments, Conant continued. The Deutschesmark is "almost too solid, in views of the recent monetary developments in Germany," he remarked, but the political situation is good because there are not a great many political parties, as there were at the time of the Weimar Republic.

Reunification of East and West Germany must be on the basis of free elections in both areas, Conant asserted, but added that West Germany would rather not have reunification if it is to be on East German terms. Conant agrees with the youth of Germany that "in the strength of united Europe lies the strength of the free world." "Now that EDC is dead, NATO may be the hope of Europe," Conant stated.


Also present at the dinner, the second largest the Chamber of Commerce has held, were Edward J. Sullivan, Mayor of Cambridge, Samuel H. Beer, Chairman of the Department of Government, Dean Watson, and Edward L. Pattullo, Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

Conant gave two speeches before Summer School audiences in Sanders Theater this summer, one on Germany and one on the dangers of Communism.
