
Fund Raisers To Meet With Alumni Here

Pusey, Bundy, White To Address Group

The Program for Harvard College will hold its most important "briefing session" of the year today as President Pusey, Dean Bundy, and Alexander M. White '25, general chairman of the program, will speak to a group of Alumni fund-raisers.

"What we want to do," said Laurence O. Pratt '26, Public Relations Director of the fund, "is to tell them what we are going to do and how we are going to do it." This meeting unofficially opens the Program's active appeal to alumni all over the country and will be followed up by a speaking tour of the nation by Pusey, Bundy and Dean Bender.

The Conference, which will run two days, will open this morning in the Kirkland House Junior Common, move to the Forum Room in Lamont this afternoon, and finish in University Hall tomorrow morning. The Alumni group will consist of Fund Area chairmen, class secretaries, and the 25th Reunion chairmen.

The new Harvard movie will have a "sneak preview" this afternoon at 4:30 in Lamont before it departs on its nation-wide tour. The film has undergone some revisions in its sound track, but today's scheduled showing indicates that it is now ready for release.

Four undergraduates will also address the Alumni group in the morning and each one will discuss a particular House activity. R. Nicholas Cowell '58 will speak on Junior Coomon Room Activities, Michael A. Senturia '58 is to discuss Music, Allerton J. Cushman's subject is Drama, while Carl Falb, Jr. '58 will talk on House sports.


Besides Pusey, Bundy, and White, some 13 other speakers will address the gathering, each one speaking on a particular college field.

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