
Prizes Awarded To Patton, Davis, Cooper, Diamond

The Helen Choate Bell prize of $400 was won by Alice A. Cooper '56, for her essay, "Portrait of the American as a Young Man." Evelyn H. Janover '56 earned an honorable mention in the Bell competition for an essay, "Henry James and the Acquisitive Society."

Jared M. Diamond '58, of Lowell House and Boston, won the John Osborne Sargent prize of $200 for the best metrical translation of the Second Epode of Horace. Eric Rothstein '57 won honorable mention.

The Francis Bowen prize for this year was taken by Thomas E. Patton 3G for an essay entitled "On Fear and Trembling." The prize is the income from the Bowen fund.

David H. Davis 2G won the George Arthur Knight prize and income from the fund for his string quartet. Frederic A. Rzewski '58 received honorable mention in the competition.

The Bechtel prize and the Bohemian Club award will not be given this year, Sargent Kennedy announced for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, which selected the prize winners.


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