
Vellucci Votes Against Own Confiscation Plan

DeGuglielmo Defends Value of University In Council Debate

"The Student's Friend" Al Vellucci exchanged verbal blows with Joseph A. DeGuglielmo '29, one of the two Harvard graduates on the City Council, in the weekly meeting yesterday, and then helped to vote down his own proposal for confiscation of University land to solve the parking problem. A crowd of over 100 students from the College assembled at the meeting.

Vellucci claimed he had known last week that the City Council had no right to confiscate land, secede from Harvard, or revoke liquor licenses at the University and M.I.T., his original proposals. He said he merely wanted to bring the parking problem to the attention of city and University authorities and to demonstrate that "We are the boss, not Harvard."

University Finally Aware

The crackdown on students' overnight parking violations shows that the University has finally become aware of the problem, Vellucci said before he joined the other eight councilors in unanimously defeating reconsideration of his proposal of last week.

Vellucci also asserted that President Pusey's criticism of the Cambridge school system demands an apology. "We have probably the finest public schools and best-paid teachers anywhere in America." he stated.


Pusey had said at the Council of Neighborhood Associations meeting on May 4 that some faculty members sent their children to out-of-town schools because they felt "there is some room for improvement in the Cambridge schools."

"Pusey should tell the City Council or the city manager how to correct our problem, instead of criticizing us publicly," Vellucci concluded.

DeGuglielmo Rebuts

DeGuglielmo called Vellucci's confiscation motion the "most asinine proposal probably ever brought before a legislative body." He charged that "last Friday's riot, which if carried to the full might have meant the loss of life, is directly attributable to irresponsible statements in the press made by certain Council members.

DeGuglielmo argued that in case of Harvard's "secession" the city would annually lose $151,000 paid in taxes by the University, $2 1/2 million spent by students around the Square, and $8 million in wages to Cambridge residents on the University payroll.

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