
The Sporting Scene

The House single scull finals should develop into a two-man race of champions on Wednesday. The leading contenders are last year's winner, Bernie Flynn of Eliot House and last year's freshman victor, Bart Thomas, from Lowell. Thomas got some extra practice over the weekend while winning the Junior single scull race at the New York Boat Club open regatta. The winner tomorrow may also be able to take the Darcy Cup for the University championship on May 22.

* * * * *

The Varsity Club last night announced its officers for next year. Phillip C. Haughey '57 of Eliot and Framingham was elected president, James Cairns '57 of Leverett and Belmont, secretary, and Sigo Falk of Leverett and Pittsburg, treasurer.

* * * * * EIBL Standings   W  L    W  L Princeton  6  1  Navy  3  3 Yale  7  2  Harvard  3  4 Army  4  2  Dartmouth  2  4 Cornell  4  2  Brown  1  7 Columbia  3  3  Penn  0  4


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