

The Annual NCAA hockey tournament at the Broadmoor Ice Palace in Colorado Springs had its second straight all-Western finals last weekend with semi-professional Michigan taking the national title again, this time from another Canadian team, Michigan Tech, 7-5.

In the annual Saturday afternoon consolidation battle for the Eastern championship, St. Lawrence buried Boston College, 6 to 2. The prospects for next year are much the same. With its entire team returning, including the goalie who two years ago turned down a contract with the professional Hershey (Pa.) Bears, Michigan should again reach the finals, facing either St. Lawrence, R.P.I. or Harvard. B.C., meanwhile, will renew its annual feud with B.U.

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An official of the Faculty Committee on Athletics, which met last night to discuss finances, said that the Committee may well discuss the possibility of reviving boxing after the undergraduate committee has voted on the recent student petition advocating a return of the sport. The undergraduate committee will hold its next meeting on March 26 and should also discuss whether hockey will receive a J.V. letter.

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A review of the winter schedules showed that, all intercollegiate meets included, University teams compiled a record of 109 wins and 58 losses this year. There were four undefeated teams: varsity track and squash, and freshman wrestling and track. Only the freshman fencers failed to win a match.

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Three varsity teams are scheduled to hold elections for next year's captains this afternoon. Wrestling will be held at 5:30 p.m.; squash at 5 p.m.; and hockey at 4 p.m.

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The Marines at Quantico, Va., will be host to over 40 national collegiate track teams and several outstanding amateur athletes in a giant track meet which should turn out to be a preliminary Olympic tryout. The Crimson squad will spend its vacation week as guests of the Marines and will enter the events "mainly for practice," Captain Art Siler said last night. No team scores will be made, although there will be individual medals awarded.

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David A. Bos '57 of Kirkland House has been appointed as varsity squash manager for 1956-7 and David L. Eggenschwiler '58 of Winthrop as assistant varsity manager. John Howat '59 won the freshman competition.

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Contrary to previous reports, the Harvard-Yale crew race will be held on a Saturday this year, June 16. The Olympic crew trials have been set for June 28, 29, and 30, in Syracuse, N.Y.

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