
Macdonald Presents Olympic Bill Today

Representative Torbert H. Macdonald '40 (D-Mass.), a former Harvard athlete, said he will introduce his bill to Congress today proposing federal aid for Olympic athletes.

In a statement to the CRIMSON earlier in the week, Macdonald revealed that he favored paying the actual expenses of any athlete selected by the U.S. Olympic Association to represent this country at the sixteenth Olympiad in Melbourne.

"Everyone knows that Russia openly boasts of its designs on the summer Olympics, and that the Soviets' over-whelming winter victory produced a lot of handwringing and moaning here in Washington," Macdonald said yesterday. "We owe it to every athlete on our team, and to ourselves, to supply the funds for necessary training expenses by our Olympic athletes from the date of their selection until they leave for the games in November."


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