
Students to Petition For New Sections

Eleven students have signed a petition calling for a new time for the special section of Mathematics 1b-2a which is to be given this term by Louis A. Schmittroth, instructor in Mathematics. The course is at present scheduled to meet Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 11 a.m.

This time conflicts with that of Chemistry 40a. John M. Snygg '59, who first posted the petition in the Union, said that "quite a few" students who would take the course also must take Chemistry and 40a is the only course possible.

At present, a total of 60 students plan to take the accelerated mathematics course which would probably be broken up into three sections, according to Snygg. Therefore, since there are not enough petitioners to fill up a section, the whole course would have to meet at a different time, rather than one section, Snygg added.


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