
Sophomores, Juniors Pick Four Incumbents in Council Elections

Brachman, deBayle Lead Voting

Four incumbents were re-elected yesterday in elections for sophomore and junior class representatives to the Student Council.

The junior class elected incumbents Merom R. Brachman '58 and Larry R. Johnson '58, and a new representative, Stuart Levine '58. Brachman received the most votes, while Levine got the second largest tally.

Sophomores re-elected Henri deBayle '59 and William J. Dean '59, and elected newcomer Paul Campanis '59. deBayle and Dean were first and second respectively in the voting.

The new group will take office in February and will elect officers at that time.

Representatives from the Houses will be elected in a separate vote Tuesday. Students who wish to represent their House on the Council must submit petitions bearing 20 signatures to the House committee by midnight tonight. In some Houses petitions must be accompanied by a photograph and a short personal biography.


Results of the referendum on proposed changes in voting methods were not tabulated last night. The referendum concerned whether or not members appointed to the Council should have the right to vote.

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