
Council Requests Voice on Parking, Attempts to Modify Campaign Tactics

Subordinate Position of Combined Charities Committee Reemphasized at Open Meeting

The Student Council last night approved what could become a major re-orientation of the House Elections and placed a paternal foot on the Combined Charities Committee, but otherwise firmly resisted suggestions from an estimated 55 students at a public Council meeting in the Lamont Forum Room.

In the face of student sentiment, the Council reaffirmed by increased majorities its participation in NSA and its refusal to poll student opinion on the future of Memorial Hall.

Further, recommendations to the Union Committee for replacing the Freshman Smoker, which was abolished by the Freshman Dean last spring, were rejected, and a waiting game on the parking problem was reapproved. Finally, results from investigation of the H.A.A. ticket system were promised before Christmas.

The election re-orientation called for open meetings before House elections where candidates could express their views on current University issues. The move aimed at substituting issues for personalities as a basis for electing Council representatives.

In the second piece of action, the Council approved a motion reiterating the subordinate position of the Combined Charities committee, and stating that World University Services was chosen to distribute Hungarian relief solely on the merits of the organization.


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