
Unbeaten Soccer Teams to Meet As Crimson Encounters Cornell

Big Red Rated Slight Underdog

ITHACA, N.Y., Oct. 12--A veteran Cornell soccer squad will be a slight underdog when it meets a confident, tight Crimson outfit at 11:30 tomorrow morning on the Upper Alumni Field.

The Crimson has taken contests from Tufts and Amherst. 3 to 1 and 3 to 2, while the Big Red defeated Colgate, 3 to 0, in its only game.

If Harvard can maintain the offensive, short-passing game which it has used in the first two games, and succeeds in tightening its defense, there should be little doubt about the contest. Cornell, however, has a strong forward line and a creditable defense, with a fine goalie in Al Allen.

Crimson Coach Bruce Munro, lacking enough players to hold regular scrimmages, has concentrated on kicking and passing drills with little contact work this week. Cornell has been working on fundamentals and running in practices.

Munro is expected to stick with his regular starting lineup, except for the goal tender. Elliot Finkelstein, injured in last Saturday's Amherst game, is uncertain as a starter. Jim Perkins, another fine Crimson goalie, may replace him tomorrow.


His forwards will be the same as in the past--Hank Holmes at outside left, Charlie MacVeagh at inside left, Grey Hodnett at center forward, Jim Shue at inside right, and Ken McInotsh at outside right.

Don Beaver and Chris Provenson will start at fullback. Tony Oberschall will go at center halfback, while John Felstiner will start at left half and Marshall Schwartz will go at right halfback.

Cornell Lineup

Cornell will counter with Jack Fisher at outside left, William Vogeler at inside left, and Al Stratta at center forward. Ricardo Ansola will start at inside right, sophomore Leo Butzel at outside right, Art Gensher at left halfback, letterman Bob Verstandig at center half, and Bill Hazzard at right half.

Craig Fanning, who was impressive in the Colgate win, will go at left halfback, while John Nelson will be at right fullback. Allen will be in the nets.

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