
Harvard 1955 Class Day Will Begin With Procession in Yard at 10 a.m.

Band, Class Marshals Will Lead Parade; 3 Orations Due

The Class of 1955 will gather for the last time as undergraduates in front of Widener Library at 10 a.m. today to march to the annual Class Day Exercises in Sever Quadrangle. The traditional farewell ceremonies will be held at 10:30 a.m.

Graduating seniors today will wear their academic tassels on the right side of their mortar boards. Tomorrow, the tassels will move to the other side, and '55 will join the Alumni.

The procession will be led by Class Marshals Clifford L. Alexander, Jr., J. Timothy Anderson, and Frank H. White. The Band and representatives of the classes of 1905 and 1930 will also march in the parade.

Following a prayer by the Rev. George A. Buttrick, chairman of the Board of Preachers, Richard L. Bushman of Salt Lake City will deliver the Class Oration, and Allen R. Grossman of Minneapolis will read his Class Poem. The humorous Ivy Oration will be given by Frederic M. Kimball of St. Louis.

Ames Award


The Ames Award will be presented by R. Colin MacLaurin '33 to two outstanding seniors whose names will be announced at the ceremonies. Established in memory of Richard G. and Harry R. Ames, two brothers who died at sea, the prize is given for self-reliance, character, and leadership.

Graduating seniors will be welcomed into the Alumni by Devereux C. Josephs '15, president of the Alumni Association, and H. S. Payson Rowe '22, president of the Associated Harvard Clubs.

Alexander will present the colors of the Class of 1955 to representatives of the Class of 1958. Then the Class Ode, by George E. Valiant, will be sung by the seniors, under the direction of the Class Chorister, Jonathan Steinberg. A benediction from Buttrick will close the program.

At 1:15 p.m. in Paine Hall the Army and Air Force will hold a joint commissioning ceremony for ROTC graduates. Later in the afternoon, at 3:30 p.m., the baseball team will meet Yale on Soldiers Field.

From 6 to 8 p.m. an informal buffet supper will be held in the Eliot House courtyard for seniors and their guests.

In the event of rain, the Class Day Exercises will be shifted to Sanders Theatre.
