
Baseball Team Meets Elis Today Before Alumni at Soldiers Field

Ace Crimson hurler Andy Ward, Jr., son of Andy Ward '30, will pitch for the varsity baseball team against Yale in the traditional Reunion Week game on Soldiers Field at 3:15 p.m. today.

Young Ward will have the double incentive of pitching before his father's class and attempting to avenge the sole blotch on his otherwise perfect season's record. Ward, who has won seven games already during the present campaign, lost to Yale, 8 to 2, three weeks ago.

This will be the last home game for the varsity, which has compiled the best record of any Crimson nine in over a quarter century. So far this season, the varsity has won 17 games and lost only four, winning the Greater Boston League championship and finishing second to Yale in the Eastern Intercollegiate Baseball League. After today's game, the varsity will end its campaign with another game against the Elis at New Haven next Monday.

Major credit for the excellent record belongs to coach Norm Shepard, a former major leaguer, who is coaching the team for the first time this year.

Ken McKenzie, who handcuffed the Crimson with only five hits in the 8-2 Yale victory, is expected to hurl for the Elis again.
