
Summer Session Gets Health Plan

The University's clinic facilities will be available for the first time to the 2200 students of the 1955 Summer School, Dr. Dana, L. Farnsworth, director of the Department of Hygiene, announced yesterday.

A full-time doctor, yet to be named, ad a nurse will be in attendance at the Hygiene Building, 17 Holyoke St., from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., from July 6 through August 26. Summer School students had no health service in previous years.

The new plan will be financed by individual fees ranging up to $7.50 per hour for student consultations. Farnsworth noted that the lack of service in the past was due primarily to the absence of a health fee. During the regular school year student must pay a flat $37.50 charge regardless of the number of times they seek consultations.

Emergency care when the clinic is closed will be given by a group of specially selected doctors who will be notified by the University switchboard operator. The Hygiene Department will arrange for hospital care, Farnsworth said, but not assume responsibility for expenses. Laboratory service during the summer session will be available at cost.

"The new service is part of a comprehensive plan to make our facilities more effective," Farnsworth concluded.
