
108th Pudding May Include Females in Show Next Year

One hundred and seven years of all-male acting in Hasty Pudding Theatricals may come to a half next year.

Writers of next fall's musical and offers of the Pudding's theatricals have announced they plan to petition Dean Watson and the club's executive committee for permission to cast legitimate girls in the female parts.

Both Varick M. Bacon '55, writer of music for next fall's show, and Theatrical President Robert F. R. Ballard '56 said last night that felt the inclusion of female in the east would increase the quality of the 108th production, "The Golden Fleecer."

Ballard and Pudding President Godfrey Truslow '58 are slated to discuss the proposed change with Watson, probably later in the week and then will take the motion before the club's executive board, composed of both undergraduates and graduates.

"In the past four or five years the trend in Pudding musicals has been away from the traditional skit to the integrated musical comedy," bacon pointed out. "Therefore, it has seemed to make sense to produce this type of musical in as realistic and entertaining a fashion as possible. And this would include the use of girls," he added.


The move would not establish a precedent against future all-male shows, they pointed out. The decision on whether or not to use girls should be made yearly on the basis of the type of musical written, they indicated.

"Our big Problem is bucking the 107-year tradition of the so-called hairy-legged chorus line," Bacon continued. He indicated that the proposed move has the strong support of professional critics and was either warmly welcomed or vehemently opposed among graduate contacted.

Ballard said the musical would not be changed regardless of the decision.
