
Six Elis Will Sue Yale News to Force Removal of 'Daily' From Masthead

Six Yale undergraduates yesterday announced that they would file suit against the Yale Daily News at the end of the week to force the News to drop the word "Daily" from its masthead.

Richard L. Malzahn, Yale '56, said the group's adviser, a member of the Yale Law School faculty, has called chances of success 100 percent.

A verdict against the News would mean that the CRIMSON would succeed to the vacated position of "Oldest College Daily."

The group will also file a libel suit against the News early next week, which charges that the News "did falsely and maliciously state that only students of inferior status, initiative or character desired to receive copies of the said newspaper on Saturdays in New Haven."

The suits ask "standard damages" of one million dollars for the libel suits, and demands that the News refund one-sixth the subscription price to all subscribers and cease calling itself the "Oldest College Daily."


Robert D. Collar, Yale '56, told the CRIMSON, "We hope to tone down the arrogance of the O.C.D., although of course, we are not crusaders."
