
Baseball, Lacrosse Teams Beat Brandeis, Tufts

Crimson Will Meet Powerful 'Big Red'

The varsity lacrosse team managed to squeak an 11-10 victory from a green Tufts squad Saturday, holding a small but constant lead over the Jumbos all the way.

Although the Crimson showed definite improvement in its attack-midfield scoring combinations, the close score bodes ill for a Cornell-Syracuse series beginning today.

Varsity lacrosse players will meet the Big Red at Ithaca today in the first game between the two teams in several years. According to Coach Munro, the game should be close. The Cornell varsity recently tied the Johns Hopkins freshmen in an unofficial scrimmage. But on the varsity's spring trip the Johns Hopkins varsity defeated the Crimson, 14-1.

Tougher Syracuse

The Syracuse game may prove to be even tougher for the varsity. Syracuse not only has a more seasoned team than the Crimson, but last year it was decidedly superior to Cornell, beating the Big Hed in two games, 10-5 and 8-5.


Munro expects the Coburn-David off-Lewis attack combination to prove a definite threat to both Syracuse and Cornell, especially in light of the Tufts game, which showed that scoring potentialities are rapidly improving with increased team coordination.

Yardlings Lose

The freshman squad dropped its first game of the season to Deerfield Academy, 8-5, on Saturday in a home game. Tomorrow at 2 p.m. the team will meet an M.I.T. freshman squad on the Crimson field.
