
Heckscher Second In Squash Singles

Ben Heckscher, varsity number one, defeated Warren Zimmerman of Yale in the semi-finals of the National intercollegiate squash Tournament at navy, but lost to Princeton's Roger Campbell, the defending champion, yesterday in the finals, Earlier, Campbell eliminated Bob Brown. crimson number four player.

In the final match, which Crimson coach Jack Barnaby considered "one of the closest and best I have ever seen," Heckscher, who was seeded second behind Campbell, held a 2 to 1 lead, winning the first and third games, 15-12 and 15-3 respectively. But Campbell took the fourth game, 15-7, and the final 17-14; he won the last one even though Heckscher, down 14 to 10, took four points in a row and forced the game into extra points.

Princeton won the team trophy, while the varsity and Yale tied for second place. Navy was fourth.
