
More Undergraduates Give Less Money To Combined Charities Drive This Year

The Combined Charities Drive collected $10,942.16 in the College, approximately $1000 less than last year, David M. Dorsen '56 and Edward M. strasser '56, co-chairmen, announced last night. More than 2,500 students, however, 190 more than last year, contributed.

No returns from the graduate schools were in last night except for about $625 from 50 per cent of the graduate students solicited by mail. "We have no official figures for mail contributions since few replies have come in so far," Dorsen said. "But the average mail donation has been about $1.50 more than those form door-to-door solicitation," he added.

Eliot, Lowell, and Dunster Houses, in that order, were the three leading contributors for the second consecutive year, with $1,625, $1,515, and $1,096 respectively. Resident freshmen gave $2,929, compared to last year's final total of $2,877.

Pledges this year were only eight percent of the total, compared with 27 percent last year, "We instructed soliciters to appeal for more cash gifts by stressing the time and trouble unnecessary pledges involved." Dorsen said. Very few contributors used the new post-dated check system, he added.
