
Crissman Places 40th In Brighton Marathon

'If I Only Had a Map'

Seventy-seven marathoners scrambled over macadam hills and cobble-stone dales Saturday afternoon in the Brighton Board of trade road race, the first of three shake-down competitions before the Patriot's Day Boston Marathon on April 19.

Among the crew which dodged dogs, trolleys, land wayward cars was a local junior wearing a Crimson shirt. Bill Crissman was warming up for his third Marathon but spent three hours and 15 minutes learning the geography of nearby Brington.

Over the 22.8 mile course, Crissman wondered whether he was on sight-seeing tour or a snowless slalom as he plugged up and down the Brighton hills. Despite the interference, the lanky junior finished 40th.

The only collegiate among the distance men, who would rather run than watch Milton Berle. "There were a couple of doctors, "he said, "but mostly they were guys who loved the clean life and an afternoon on the town."

Crissman jokingly suggested he might have placed better with a map in his hands. At any rate, before the April marathon he expects to sneak a topographical cram-session into his twice-weekly workouts.
