

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I should like to describe the needs and operating practices of the Winant Volunteers in hopes that students will respond by writing them in as beneficiaries of Combined Charities donations.

Funds given to the Winant Volunteers are used in large part to defray the travel expenses of men and women chosen for the work who are unable to pay their own way. Clearly a mission designed to interpret the United States to London's East-Enders should not be composed exclusively of young people from families in the upper income brackets. As it is, hate--America propagandists portray our country to this group as a nation of millionaires, and a sprinkling of scholarship Winants is needed to refute this claim.

Today, when welfare work is done largely by paid personnel, and comparatively so large a portion of income must often go for administrative expense, the Winants take pride in the fact that their administrative costs are so small and that practically all of the contributions which they receive can be devoted to the direct purposes of their work. Robert P. Well, Jr. '57

The CRIMSON welcomes expression of reader opinion in its Mall column. Last year, over 100 letters were received, ranging from impassioned defenses of Senator McCarthy to jibes at the prospects of a maidless College. The CRIMSON was at once called Fascist and Communist for its stand on one particular issue. Letters should be under 400 words, and the editors reserve the right to abridge them if space limitation makes this necessary. No changes is context will be made, however. Letters must be signed, but names can be withheld by request.
