
Puritans Capture House Swim Title

Winthrop House swimmers clinched the House title last night by crushing Leverett 38-10, and Kirkland 42-6. The Puritan squad, which now has a 5-1 record, also broke their own inter-House mark in the 200-yard free style relay with a time of 1;43. The old record was set in 1944.

The relay team of Roger L. Clifton, Abba Kastin, Dave Whitman, and Steve Singer and 1.6 seconds off the old record. All except Kastin, who is a junior, swam for the freshman team last year.

The Puritans will face Lowell and Adams Tuesday, in a meet which will determine the second and third place winners. With such swimmers as Bob Eakin in the backstroke, and Ed Ginsberg and Barry Wasserman in the breaststroke, Winthrop will be a strong favorite to win the meet. Wasserman set a new House breaststroke record last year.

The team will go after House record in the 200-yard medley relay Tuesday, Barry Sachs, coach of the team, said last night.

If Winthrop wins Tuesday's meet, Sachs said, they will swim against Yale Saturday March 19.
