
Crimson Key Will Give Freshmen Objective View of House Program

Crimson Key officials will meet Wednesday and Thursday with all freshman proctorial units to present an objective introduction to the Houses, Wayne T. Branom, Jr. '56, Chairman of the Key Freshman Orientation Committee, said last night. The disclosure followed a meeting of the Key with House Committee chairman.

The new plan was approved by F. Skiddy von Stade '38 Dean of Freshmen, and by J. Vernon Patrick, Jr. '52, Secretary of the Union, at the same meeting.

"The proctorial unit meetings are designed to present the freshmen with an objective view of the House system, to tell them how to find out more about the Houses themselves, and to encourage them to do so," Branom explained.

The plan also calls for co-operation between the House Committees and the Key in conducting tours of the Houses which will begin March 7. Crimson Key representatives will conduct the two and a half hour tours accompanied by members of the individuals House Committees. "The tours will be less objective than the meetings," Branom said.

Key members who will conduct the proctorial meetings will be briefed in a meeting Sunday night. "If the freshmen can tell what House the Key men are from, the plan will be a failure," he said.


Although the Crimson Key has managed freshman House tours for two years, Branom said that co-operation betwen the Key and the Houses will be stressed this year where it had been assumed in the past.
