

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I read your editorial in Friday's CRIMSON entitled "Down Under" with great interest and was pleased to find that there are students in the College who are interested in the study of Africa. Interestingly enough, there are quite a few courses scattered throughout the different Departments here at Harvard which deal either in part or exclusively with Africa . . .

Nonetheless, I am in full agreement with your view that Harvard should make a special attempt to "offer undergraduates (and also graduates) a chance for basic study in the field of" African affairs. Indeed, I would go further than this: Harvard should begin to consider the possibilities of establishing an Institute on African Studies, in spite of the fact that "Boston University has recently started such a program." There is no harm in having two Institutes of this sort in this part of the country, for this is one area of study to which one can easily apply the saying "the more the merrier." Furthermore, I believe that Harvard is basically better equipped, if you will, than most universities in this country to undertake the study of African affairs in a manner commensurate with the task involved in finding a solution to Africa's problems. I can assure you that a more specific and systematic approach to the study of Africa on the part of Harvard would be more than welcomed by quite a few students. Martin L. Kilson 2G.
