
Varsity Wins, 8-1, Over Weak Penn In Squash Match

The varsity squash team won an impressive 8-1 victory last night over a weak and winless squad from the university of Pennsylvania, but Coach Jack Barnaby's team faces strong opposition this afternoon against undefeated Princeton.

Losing only its number two match, the varsity swept through all its other matches in three games. In a battle of captains Bill Wister lost three out of five games to Quaker Charles Rieger. Ben Heckscher, Crimson number one man, defeated Amory King 15-3, 15-3, 15-5.

Today the Crimson takes on a Princeton team which boasts six-game winning skein. The Tigers, led by National Intercollegiate Champion Roger Campbell, have not lost any men from the team which the Crimson barely beat last year 5-4. Princeton's number one, five, six, and seven players have been undefeated this year.

The freshman squash team travels to New Hampshire to meet Exeter at 2:30 this afternoon.
