
Officials Seek Curfew of 11 In Cambridge

Police Chief Says Students Will Come Under Legislation

An 11 p.m. curfew for all persons under 21, including College students, is now under consideration by Cambridge officials, Police Chief Patrick J. Ready revealed Saturday.

Ready said that the proposed law would be an extension of a present city ordinance which prohibits those 16 and under from being "abroad on the streets at night" after 9:30 p.m. He pointed out that the city had installed bells, sirens and horns in factories throughout Cambridge which sound a curfew warning at that time.

According to Ready, "various civic groups, women's clubs and experts on juvenile delinquency" have been agitating for the new law. He said the measure was proposed to help curb the teenage gangs that roam the streets at night.

Complete Cooperation

"We usually get 100 percent cooperation from parents, and the law carries a $20 fine for the few cases where we don't," Ready said. He stated that his officers are instructed to arrest anyone 16 years of age or younger who was on the streets after the curfew hour. "The only exception are those juveniles who have a note from their parents stating that they are going to or from a church service," he said.


Ready added he was personally opposed to any extension of the curfew to include 21 year-olds.

"The law is unnecessary, since most of the boys are basically good," he said. He added that other cities were considering similar legislation.

Boston Police Commissioner Thomas F. Sullivan stated that Boston was not planning any such curfew.
