

"We'll make a number of mistaken," varsity hockey coach Cooney Weiland remarked yesterday. But he said it in reference to the start, not the end, of the 1955-56 season; and he said it with good reason, for this year's team will have six sophomores playing regularly.

If the newcomers learn their hockey lessons and if Weiland can find the right combinations in a squad that is does in potentially good hockey players, the varsity's prospects look good. Neither the experience nor the combinations however, are going to be obtained immediately.

From the start there will be some weighty credits. One is the fact that Captain and All-American goalie Charlie Flynn will be playing his third year on the varsity, and another is that some talented veterans from the team that ranked first in the East last season will be returning.

Two such veterans are senior defensemen Mario Cell and Pets Summers. Celi is one of the most dependable players on the team, and Summers has shown marked improvement this year; he skates faster, stickhandles better.

The other defense pair is big, rugged, offensive-minded, and inexperienced. It consists of Sophomores Dan Ullyot (190) and John Copeland (206), who have shown a lot of potential in practice. Letterman Denny Little came out late because of the soccer season and may alternate later with the other defensemen.


One of the two top lines has had only one year of varsity experience between the three men. Sophomores Bob Cleary and Lyle Guttu played well together on the freshman team last year; with Junior Terry O,Malley, who shoots extremely accurately, the line may not outskate, but it should outposs and outplay many opposing ones.

The other line will center around big Bob McVey, who has the potential to develop into a Crimson great. He has speed, a fine shot, good playmaking sense, and the strength to bull through the defense. On his wings will be senior Art Noyes and either senior Joe Crehore or sophomore Bob Owen. Both Crehore and Owen play the same kind of hard-working, aggressive hockey that forces breaks, but the former just finished with football and may not play regularly until later.

A third line will be composed of some combination of three lettermen: Tom Worthen, Albie Wells, and Derick Nicholas, and junior Dave Holmes, who played junior varsity last year. Goalie Jim Bailey, a junior letterman, will also see action, and may start a few games.
