
Middlebury Defeats Crimson, 50-46

Middlebury yesterday defeated the Crimson basketball team, 50 to 46. The varsity five blew a lead for the second straight night at the IAB. Leading by as many as eight points in the second half, the Crimson just could not run with the visitors, and the team's all-court press was not nearly so effective as it has been in some previous games.

The first half displayed some of the dullest basketball since the institution of the ten-second rule some twenty years ago. The Crimson scored first when Bob Bowman sank a foul shot at 0:25, and the 1-0 score lasted for another ten minutes. At the 1:45 mark Bob Barnett noted that Middlebury was playing back in its zone defense, and started to dribble the ball at mid-court. He exchanged quick passes with Bob Hastings at 2:45 and 4:30, dribbling in the meantime, and then held the ball in his hands for the next five and a half minutes. Intermittent hocking, mostly from a wit on the Middlebury bench, did not disturb him, and he only passed off after Middlebury shifted to a man-for-man.

The Crimson led at the half, 14 to 12, and widened the gap to 30 to 22 after seven minutes of the second half. But Middlebury controlled the backboards, and several missed shots by the Crimson gave the victors opportunity to draw ahead.

Phil Haughey's hook shot at 16:35 gave the home team a 44-42 edge, its last lead of the game, as Cy Anfindson sank two foul shots at 16:55 and Tom Hart caged a short hook at 17:15 to put Middlebury ahead, 46 to 44. Frantic shooting by the Crimson could not shake the lead.

The Crimson had a slight edge on field goal percentage, 30 to 28, and on free throws, 57 to 56, but the winners had a great advantage on rebounds, 51 percent to 30 percent. Ike Canty was high scorer for the home team with eleven points, and Hastings and Dick Hurley each scored ten. Haughey had seven, Bill Riggs four, Barnett two, and Bowman and Lou Lowenfels one spiece. Anfindson and Hart each sank fourteen for the winners.


The freshman quintet will face Providence College freshman tonight at 7 p.m. in Providence. The Yardlings' record now stands at two wins and no losses.
