
Insufficient Height, Losses Through Graduation, Injuries Cloud Prospects for Winning Varsity Basketball Team

For most Crimson teams success is measured in terms of an undefeated season, an Ivy League championship, or a Big Three title. But for the long frustrated Harvard basketball fan a won-lost record anywhere in the vicinity of .500 will bring unexpected joy.

The LAB visitor, who has not seen a winning varsity five since 1946, cannot be too optimistic about the 1955-56 edition. The team lost through graduation its best rebounder Dick Manning and its top floor man, Roger Bulger.

Bob Dolven and Neil Muncaster, two juniors who were heavily counted on, have also left school. And because of injury and illness "Ike" Canty and Phil Haughey, starters on last year's team, will not be able to see steady action until later in the season.

In spite of these misfortunes and a decided lack of height Coach Floyd Wilson has more than a few reason for looking forward to at least some improvement over last year's six and seventeen record. Team spirit is unusually high and five juniors who showed flashes of brilliance last year in the team's victories over Ivy League champion Princeton, Yale, and Brown, are back to form the nucleus of this season's squad. In this group are Canty, Haughey, Bob Hastings, Bob Barnett, and Dick Hurley.

Wilson rated Canty, the team's high scorer in '54-55, as the most dependable man on the squad. Currently out with bronchial pneumonia, he should be back by January. Haughey, a strong rebounder who is still suffering from a shoulder injured during the football season, will not be able to see much action early in the season.


Hastings, Barnett, and Hurley are all in excellent health, and will start against Amherst in Friday's opening game at the LAB. Hurley is a forward, Hastings and Barnett guards. All three are fast, excellent ball handlers, and good shots.

Starting with this threesome will be expected to see a lot of action, Lou Lowen-forward and captain Warren Kantrowits and center Bob Bowman. Both are seniors and good rebounders, but neither has seen too much action since starring on the 1952-52 freshman team.

Behind this starting five are a number of substitutes, all high in spirit, but short on varsity experience. Included in this group are Billy Riggs, a senior forward fels, a defensive ace; and sophomores Tony Massori, Charley Wolle, and Dick Woolston.
