
City Council Independents Claim CCA Will Lose Mayoralty Race

Almost all of Cambridge's city councillors are in the race for mayor, but none of them expects to get elected. Even top vote-getter, independent Edward J. Sullivan, only smiled at the suggestion that he might be the next mayor.

"The independents (who hold a five to four edge in the new council) are solid," Sullivan said. While refusing to name their choice, he implied that they have already agreed on their candidate for mayor. "But in any case," he added, "you can bet that no CCA man will sit in the high chair come January."

CCA-backed Councillor Joseph A. DeGuglielmo '29, meanwhile, reaffirmed his prediction that the four CCA council members will have the last word on who becomes mayor. He said that the offer of four sure votes would cause any of the independents to bolt their ranks. "If they have decided on a man, you may be sure that our choice won't be the same one," DeGuglielmo said.

Independents John Lynch and Thomas McNamara agreed that the mayor will be an independent, but Lynch asserted that, whatever the independents decide, a subsequent offer of four CCA votes might swing the election. "It's dog eat dog," said Lynch, "everyone wants the job and it's going to be real rough to settle on one of the pack."

The only members who won't get the council's nod for mayor are Velluci and Mrs. Wise, and that's only because they're neophytes," Sullivan commented. DeGuglielmo agreed.
