
Teenagers Attack Six Seniors Outside Savoy

Six Winthrop House seniors were involved in a fracas with a gang of Boston teenagers outside the Savoy nightclub on Massachusetts Avenue late Thursday night. One undergraduate suffered a two inch gash under his chin, the only injury received during the minute long tussle.

The group had just come out of the famous jazz joint when they were stopped by the cry "get those guys. You don't belong in this part of town." The attackers--about eight boys--were dressed in warm-up jackets and suede shoes.

One came up to an undergraduate, hit him in the face, and the tussle was on. Within a minute after the first blow was struck the youths scattered into the traffic along Massachusetts Avenue. The injured senior received his cut when kicked while lying on the sidewalk. He was treated with two stitches at Stillman Infirmary yesterday.
