
Annual Charities Drive to Conduct Campaign in Fall

The Combined Charities Drive will be held this fall, David M. Dorsen '58 and Edward M. Strasser '56, co-chairmen of the annual fund-raising campaign, announced last night.

This marks a reversal of last year's new policy to hold the Drive in the spring rather than in the fall. The co-chairmen, re-elected by the Council last night to head the appeal for the second time, explained that last year's spring drive had "not been as successful as we had hoped it would be."

According to Dorsen, one of the main reasons for last year's switch had been to give the committee time to reorganize itself before the drive. With the same organization this year, he said this delay was no longer necessary.

Another reason for the change was the belief that more students would contribute in the spring. In actual fact, ten percent more of the undergraduate body did give, according to Dorsen, but the average contribution was smaller than in previous years. He said he wanted the drive to reach students before individual groups conducted their own appeals.

The total amount collected from last year's campaign was $13,756.38, Dorsen said. This was well below the goal of $25,000, Council President Albert B. Levin '56 said after last night's meeting.
