
Ruggers Play 0-0 Tie With M.I.T In Crimson's Only Local Contest

No one scored any points in the Crimson's athletic contests at Cambridge this weekend, as the soccer, freshman football, and sailing teams sat back and watched the ruggers play a 0-0 tie with a much-improved squad from M.I.T.

The soccer game with Williams was postponed until Nov. 1 or 2 after seagulls had taken possession of the Business School Field. Bob Margarita and Tufts' freshman football coach cancelled their game completely.

For once the freshman and varsity sailors found themselves with too much water and were forced to cancel the hoptagonal meet at New London as well as the New England preliminaries.

Even the rugby match was postponed until Sunday morning. The Crimson players kicked off with a strong breeze behind them. M.I.T. made the first real scoring threat in the 28th minute, however, when it was awarded a penalty kick near the posts. The conversion failed, due to the strong cross-wind.

The Crimson had an almost identical chance four minutes later, but Pat Latham's kick suffered the same fate as M.I.T.'s. The half ended with the ball only ten yards from the Engineers' goal line.


For the last 20 minutes of the match, varsity forwards saw far more of the ball in the scrums and line-outs, but the mud and wind made it almost impossible for the backs to handle. Realizing this, the three-quarters on both sides tried individual runs without making much ground.
