
Bunny Team Beats Gold Coasters, 6-2

The Leverett House football team yesterday established itself as a potential power by defeating Adams House, last year's champion, 6 to 2. The hard running of captain Stu Dunsker and Charlie Blitz and the line's steady defensive play brought victory to the Bunnies.

The Gold Coasters got their two points at the beginning of the first quarter when Les Archambeau, sophomore quarterback, was caught behind the goal line on an attempted pass play. Leverett's score came in the second period on an off-tackle slant with Blitz carrying.

In other games yesterday Kirkland beat Lowell, 14 to 0, Winthrop crushed Dudley, 33 to 0, and Dunster defeated Eliot, 13 to 7. The Deacons also defeated Eliot in soccer, 1 to 0, and Lowell in touch football, 30 to 8. Winthrop won two more contests, downing Adams in soccer, 4 to 0, and Dudley in touch, 42 to 6.
