
Dudley House to Inaugurate Upperclass Advising System

Dudley House freshmen will soon have informal upper class advisers in addition to their regular advisers, Charles P. Whit lock, Aliston Burr Senior Tutor for Dudley announced yesterday. The new advising system will begin either this spring or next fall.

"A system of informal advising has been discussed at Dudley for several years, but it hasn't caught fire until now," said Whit lock. "It seems to be the type of idea that deserves to be tried out."

Robert N. Harrington '56, undergraduate leader of the plan, said last night that the main purpose of the system will be to combat the feeling of many freshmen have of being "left out."

"The advisers will not be academic advisers primarily, but will attempt to aid the freshman's integration into every aspect of college life. We feel that an upperclassman, whom the freshman can meet several times a week, will be more valuable in this way than his regular advisor," Harrington said.

Under the proposed plan, approximately forty upper class commuters will be chosen as advisers, with each having two or three advisees.


Harrington's group will meet with Whit lock early next week to decide definitely when the plan will go into operation. "We would like to try the plan on an experimental basis this spring so that it will operate efficiently next fall," Harrington said.

"However, if the committee and Mr. Whit lock feel that it is too late in the year for an advising system to prove worthwhile, we will wait until next year. In any event, the plan will definitely go into operation next fall," he said.
