
University Starts New Personalized Scholarship Plan

Applicants for upper class scholarships will deliver reference forms personally to their instructors this year for the first time. Secretaries in the financial aid office formerly sent out the forms.

"We hope that the applicants and their teachers will thereby get to know each other better, and that better recommendations will follow," explained James S. Jones, assistant in the financial aid office. "Formerly instructors and lecturers often had to recommend people they knew only as a face in class or a name in the grade-book."

Jones said the plan might work a hardship on teachers in large courses, but added that the closer relationship with students would help offset inconveniences. 'More scholarship money will also be freed by the cut in office expenses," he said.

Applicants are also being encouraged to approach section men rather than lecturers for a recommendation. Jones said a good recommendation from a teaching fellow who knows the applicant well is much more valuable than one from a professor who is a stranger.

"We'll be able to distribute scholarship money more fairly and simultaneously help to bring students closer to their instructors," Jones added.
