
Robert Morrison Killed in Accident

Robert H. Morrison '56, son of Theodore H. Morrison '23, lecturer in English, was fatally injured in an automobile accident at Stowe, Vermont last Thursday. He was on his honeymoon with his bride of two days, the former Barbara Ann Edson of Westhaven, Connecticut, when the accident occurred.

Morrison was removing his tire chains by the side of Route 110 when a car driven by Richard Deignault of Burlington, Vermont skidded on the slippery road behind him and threw him 100 feet. Neither Deignault nor Mrs. Morrison, who was sitting in the parked car, were injured.

Morrison was taken to Heaton Hospital, Montpolier, where an emergency operation was performed. His wife, a graduate nurse at Massachusetts General Hospital, assisted in the operation. He died of a fractured skull at 6 p.m., three and one-half hours after the accident occurred.
