
Quintets Open '55 Ivy League Year

Columbia will play Cornell Wednesday at Ithaca in a battle for first place in the Ivy Basketball League. This is one of seven league games scheduled during the week.

The Big Red is defending champion and has a record of two wins and no losses this season, while Columbia, along with Dartmouth, occupies second place with a 1-0 standing. Brown is in fourth position with a 2-1 score; and Yale and Harvard are tied for last place. Pennsylvania and Princeton have not yet played any league games.

The outstanding attraction of the Cornell-Columbia game will be the meeting of Chuck Rolles, Cornell's fine five-foot, six-inch junior, and Chet Forte, Columbia's sensational five-foot, nine-inch sophomore, who leads the league in scoring.

The varsity plays a Pennsylvania quintet Thursday, and on Friday it will travel to Brown.
