

No Depth in the Pool

The unheard-of blessing of two top quality divers on the same freshman swimming team unfortunately shouldn't make Coach Bill Brooks' tenth year here approach the success of his ninth. Diving is the only event promising to surpass what Brooks calls the "phenomenal" 8-1 record of last year's team. The freshmen have six or seven consistent winners, but the lack of depth that was concealed in the easy Brookline and St. George victories will probably be obvious against subsequent opponents starting at Exeter on Feb. 5.

Much of the team's hopes faded when Fletcher Davis suffered a brain concussion in a Christmas skiing accident, for which he is still hospitalized. One of Minnesota's top scholastic swimmers, Davis recorded a 2:11 200-yard free-style practice swim here before Christmas.

Diving coach Charlie Batterman has good material to work with, though, in Greg Stone and Duane Murner. They completely outclassed their opponents in the first two meets, with Stone taking a first and Murner a second both times. Stone had captured first place in three Chicago Public High School Championships at Hyde Park High before his senior year, when he entered a swimless Boise, Idaho high school. Murner placed in five Chicago Parochial School City Championships while at Loyola Academy.

Yardling swimmers elected Ronald P. Mischner of Wigglesworth and Calal, Colombia, South America, as team captain Tuesday. Mischner is a graduate of Lawrenceville Academy. He swam on the 800 yard relay team which took second last summer in the Colombia National Games.

Another bright spot in the gloom is Griff Winthrop, from Canandaigua, N.Y. As Canandaigua Academy captain last year he swam everything but the breast stroke. For the Yardlings, he specializes in the 150-yard individual medley, where he has turned in a 1:44.6. Brooks professes high hopes for him.


Rhett DuPont is top man in the 100-yard backstroke with 1:09.5, while team captain Ron Mischner leads 50-yard freestyle swimmers with a 25.0 time. Both were on All-American prep school relay teams last year. Mischner while at Lawrenceville and DuPont while at Deerfield.

Dave Harper from the Evanston High team which was twice Illinois State Swimming Champion, swims the 200-yard free-style in 2:16, though he only swam back or breast stroke in high school. The two Exeter swimmers who round out the team core are Cy Hamlin with a 56.1 for the 100-yard free-style and Dave Falk, with a 1:10.3 for the 100-yard breast stroke. Falk is a brother of varsity swimmer Stgo Falk.

The freshman swimmers face six more meets with a seventh being, contemplated, according to Brooks. The schedule:

Feb. 5. Exeter at Exeter; 12, Dartmouth; 16, Brown at Providence; 19, Andover; 26, Williston Academy at Williston; March 12, Yale.

Williston last night set a new record for the 400-yard freestyle relay against Westminster with a time of 3:33.6.
