
Giedion Sought for Dunster Basement

Sigfried Giedion, Visiting Professor of Architecture, internationally recognized architectural historian, and author of "Space, Time and Architecture," has expressed "an enthusiastic personal interest" in the Dunster House C-entry basement ping-pong and pool room, House Committee Chairman Ronald M. Ansin '55 reported last night.

The Dunster House Committee, considering plans to improve the appearance of its cinder-block-walled cellar playroom feels "as I do, that this is a very exciting thing, and wants it to be aesthetically beautiful," added Charles Kletzch, Dunster House Librarian.

"To an artist, the size of the project is no matter," Kletzch continued. He said that an artist may consider one flower--or in this case one project--as "no less significant than five miles of formal gardens."

Giedion is a man with "fiery interest in the principals of modern architecture," said Kletzch. "His ideas are not on the styles of French Drawing rooms."

"Dean Sert also expressed enthusiasm," Kletzch said. Negotiations must take place at the Graduate School of Design, however, before either Giedion or the School can begin work.


"I have been introduced to Giedion and heard him speak," said Ansin. "He is very dynamic."
