
NCAA Organizes '55 TV Committee

The National Collegiate Athletic Association set up a new television committee for 1955 on Saturday, the closing day of its forty-ninth annual conference in New York Towards the end of this month the committee expects to start work on plans for a new TV program for the year.

Controversy has arisen over the content of the program, since the Big Ten and the Pacific Coast Conference has advocated a regional television plan that would make it possible for each team to appear on TV twice instead of once. Recently that disputed the Eastern Collegiate Conference's stand on last year's program of national control of football television.

At the conference, however, the E.C.A.C. offered a plan containing liberalizing features that appealed to the Big Ten and received large support from the delegates present. Observers believe now that a compromise plan will be worked out to prevent any serious schism in the N.C.A.A.
