
Corporation To Investigate ROTC Cadets

The Corporation at its meeting Monday will investigate the problem of the 35 cadets who have been denied their commissions by the Air Force ROTC, it was learned last night. It seems unlikely, however, that the Corporation will make its views known.

Contacted last night, George S. Abrams '54, spokesman for the 35 seniors, said he had talked the problem over twice with McGeorge Bundy, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and had "supplied him with some background information." Bundy declined to comment on these talks.

Abrams will lead a delegation to Washington next week in hopes of convincing Air Force and Defense Department officials to reverse their position in denying the commissions. Among those he intends to see are Senator Leverett Saltostall '14 (R-Mass.), chairman of the Armed Services Committee, and John A. Hannah, Assistant Secretary of Defense.

Abrams also disclosed that he has made an appointment with the head of the Reserve Officers Association and stated that "they've made certain promises to us which should be very helpful, if kept."


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