
Middies Beat Varsity Five In Tight Blockhouse Clash

Harry Sacks' second half foul shooting, brilliant defensive play by Ed Krinsky and Ed Condon, and last second heroics by Ed Blodnick failed to pull off what might have been the biggest upset of the season Saturday night, as Navy edged the varsity basketball team, 71 to 69. Before the game the Middies had been favored by 15 points.

The Crimson had the game's highest scorer, in Sacks, who tallied 30 points the best shooting average, and it grabbed the most rebounds. But the best defensive team in the East could not cope with Navy's Den Lange and John Clune, who together scored 44 points. In a continually tight game, the largest lead held by either team was five points.

With one minute remaining, the Middies were still clinging to a four point lead they had nursed throughout the second half. At this point, Crimson coach Norm Shepard inserted Blodnick, who had played only briefly in the second quarter.

blodnick promptly deadlocked the game with two quick push shots, but Lange clinched the Navy victory with his tenth field goal, turning the crowd's partisan cheers to groans. Time ran out as Sacks missed a desperation shot.

Middles Grab Lead


At half-time, Middies held their largest lead in the game, 37 to 32. The first half had been fairly even, the lead changing hands five times, but shortly before the half Clune put Navy ahead with a basket and a free throw.

Navy clung to its slim lead in the second half despite an alert Crimson defense that successfully bottled up Lange and Clune. Guards Doral Sandlin and Larry Wigle7 took up the slack for the visitors with a combination of set shots and free throws.

Statistically, the Crimson had the best of it, getting more rebounds, chiefly on defense. Their shooting average was a tremendous 511 against Navy's .338. Navy, however, controlled the ball, taking 14 shots to the varsity's 47.

The freshman basketball team won its eighth in a row over Exeter, 77 to 63, in the preliminary to the varsity game.
