
Varsity to Oppose Brown's Harriers

Brown University's weak Bruins should be the unbeaten Crimson's third straight victim today when the two cross-country teams meet in Franklin Park. The once-beaten Yardlings are also favored to beat Brown in a freshman meet preceding the varsity run.

Coach Bill McCurdy, very pleased with his team's performance in the triangular meet with Providence College and Boston University on Tuesday, will be most interested today in his runners' times. Brown, perennially weak in cross-country and track, is not likely to cause him much anxiety.

So far this season, Bill Morris has been the Crimson's number one runner, but each time he barely edged out Don French by inches. Al Wills, the slowest to reach top condition this season, may also threaten Morris today.

Team Well Balanced

Other runners who should finish high for the varsity include Dick Wharton, Paul Beck, Dave McLean, and Phil Williams. What makes this year's team so strong is that almost all the top runners finish within a minute and a half of each other.


McCurdy is still talking about the freshman meet on Tuesday. In that race Providence placed three men all under 15 minutes. An outstanding time for freshmen is 15:30. McCurdy said those three freshmen from Providence could be outstanding varsity runners right now.

The varsity's next meet after today is against Columbia and Pennsylvania in New York.
