
Princeton Deans Consider Special Standing Report

Princeton may become the second Big Three school to institute a program of Advanced Standing. Nassau officials are seriously considering the Harvard program of Advanced Standing, Princeton Dean Jeremiah S. Finch announced yesterday.

While refusing to make any specific comments. Finch said that the Princeton faculty was studying the program, and referred to a plan currently in operation which allows selected students to graduate in three years. The program has only been open since the end of World War II, and according to the Daily Princetonian, which interviewed Finch, "the number participating is small."

Princeton Interested

Last fall premature announcements were made that Princeton was about to put the Blackmer report--which proposed wide spread changes designed to speed up the work of the superior student--into effect, and admit qualified eleventh graders.

At that time C. William Edwards, Princeton Dean of Admissions said, "The Princeton faculty and administration are very interested and receptive to any plan that will eliminate duplication of any work already completed in secondary school." Thus Finch's announcement a year later means that the Faculty has been considering the program over a year and that its study is well-advanced. It is believed by Princeton observers that Finch would have refused all comment were the school about to discard consideration of an Advanced Standing Program.
