
Tight Schedule Compels Ruggers To Play Double Header Saturday

'Wanderers' to Play Return Game

Scheduling problems will result in a doubleheader for rugby fans and an opportunity to see one of the finest teams in the nation in action against the Crimson Saturday on the House football field.

Crimson ruggers emerged from Easter vacation competition in Bermuda with only one loss, to a British Navy team called the Wanderers. The Wanderers went on to crush both Yale and Montreal's Westmount club, and earn the reputation in Bermuda papers of being "the finest team ever to play in Bermuda or the United States."

The Crimson, thirsting for revenge and another chance to play such talented opposition, invited the Wanderers to play a return contest here.

The Britishers, who are stationed at the Pensacola, Florida naval base, replied that their only open date was this weekend--the same day which the Crimson had reserved for a match with the New York All-Stars. As a result, the varsity will field two separate teams Saturday, and will attempt to sweep both ends of the doubleheader. "Due to the progress individual players have made since Bermuda, we have a 50-50 chance of winning both games," notes player-coach Tom Calhoun.

The varsity is counting heavily on football players Johnny Nichols and John McNamara to provide the power and stamina to hold the undefeated Britishers in check. Nichols, who is the heaviest man on the team, will help break up the Wanderers' defense, while McNamara at wing three-quarter works against their offense.
